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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Why do Students get drunk?

Okay, I've been putting this one off all day, but it is inevitable there will be an article about it sooner or later. Before I start though, I'd like to warn everyone that I'm incredibly biased as I only drink about .1% of the time, the other 99.9% of my time is spent on everything else that proves itself far more important to me.

In my first year, I worked in my student union's bar, which for me, was better than being on the other side of the counter, but I began to notice people's drinking habits, and groups were forming. There were some 'geeky' guys that had all grouped together and just bought drinks as and when they wanted them, there were individual guys buying drinks in pairs, obviously trying their luck with some girls, and then there were groups that would come in at 4 in the afternoon and order shots and cause drama when there was none.

Working on the themed nights, I noticed a lot of people were just drinking themselves stupid because they think it makes them more social, and the higher-ups in the social chain were some of the worst. Not only to themselves, but the hoards of followers trying to keep up with them because it was the 'cool' and 'social' thing to do.

I promise you I am only 20 years old, but I've never had any particular fascination with alcohol. It doesn't excite me, and it doesn't make me feel any better, if anything, it makes me feel more self conscious as inhibitions fade etc. I'm more for quality than quantity, as I learnt trying to 'keep up' at a friend's house party once, making myself sick on cider to fit in. That was the first and last time I'd be doing that, I'll stick with the occasional celebratory glass of Bailey's with ice, or a vodka and coke.

I don't think it's right the way Universities allow their student unions and all the local bars to bombard freshers saying "IF YOU DON'T DRINK, YOU'RE A LOSER". Am I really? I lose out on a hangover, but that's about it. My advice to anyone that has never really drank before due to lack of interest or whatever, is don't give in to the peer pressure. What makes you think the only way you're going to make genuine friends is by forcing yourself to do something you wouldn't normally? Since being laid off by the bar, I never set foot in there again, and I never spoke to another person associated with it. I don't miss it at all.

A lot of people who think drinking is a good way to loosen up and socialize needs to have a go at being the only sober one in the room. It's scary. Drink in moderation, and don't try to keep up with the cool kids.

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