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Monday, January 11, 2010

Student Security

One of the things that is often overlooked by new Uni students is the security of their Halls of Residence. Take my word for it, just because there are a handful of security staff about doesn't mean they're going to catch someone hopping in and out of your open ground floor window with your laptop and anything else worth selling.
Having spent two freshers at halls now, it's become apparent just how insanely confident fresher thieves are-we've been on site at the time of a robbery and didn't see a thing til it was too late.
In early-mid September, it's still pretty warm, so most of us will leave the windows open to let some air into our pokey little study rooms, and never stop to think that someone would have a go at nabbing your stuff while you run off to the bathroom or kitchen for a second.
Flat parties are also a time to keep watch. Lots of people flooding in and out of an open flat where all the doors are open because that's the sociable thing to do. It only takes a theif a couple of minutes to scope out an empty room and clear out all the valuables.
One time a taxi driver told me that they got a call to my Halls of Residence and there was a guy waiting with loads of boxes and bags. He made up this story that he was getting the train home with all his things but in reality he'd just stolen from several flats in one go and the poor taxi driver had inadvertently helped him escape! He said he looked just like a student and was perfectly calm. He had no idea this guy was up to no good.
The police tend to have a much greater presence over freshers than the rest of the year, as it's become tradition for thieves to prey on the unknowing first years with their brand new shiny laptops and phones. Don't let yourself fall victim to guys like this. There are some very simple things you can do to prevent being broken into.

1. Lock your door after you - especially if anyone else in your flat has an open door policy. If they're letting strangers in, you need to look out for your own things.

2. Make sure you're covered - some of our parents insurance companies might cover contents in halls of residence but some don't, get your parents to check.

3. Only open your window when you're there - even on the first and second floor. You won't believe how determined some people are, don't give them an opportunity.

4. Don't lend anyone else your keys - even just to 'run back and get something they forgot' - usually happens when people are drinking and moving from flat to flat. Unless you've known the person long enough to know they're trustworthy (I mean like, friends before Uni started), don't give anyone your keys.

5. Take the police's advice (and freebies) - this freshers the Manchester Police were giving out timer plugs, UV marker pens and stickers, and little bells to put on your bag/purse to alert you of pickpockets.

6. Keep your cash somewhere safe - hide your wallet rather than leave it out on the desk, and don't keep more than £50 in cash at any one time. Insurance companies only tend to cover about this much in the event of theft.

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