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Monday, December 06, 2010

Broken Boiler

*sadface* This is the second time this week. The first time, it was making this horrific scraping noise so we switched it off til the landlord sent out an engineer. He showed me his Gas Safe UK card, which was all fine so I let him in. He took the cover off and had a look around. Ah, a blocked siphon, nothing to worry about then. He drained the built up water and cleared out the siphon (that's a tiny funnel to you and me). I was shocked by the sheer amount of rubbish that came out of it! (all in the sink, covering the dishes that were waiting to be washed by newly heated water...)

Anyway, he put it all back together, switched the boiler on and hey presto! The F L status had vanished, instead there was a reassuring little 'c' in its place, and we had hot water! Straight away, I started to reheat the house, a couple of degrees at a time due to the fragility of my poor rats, who at this point were on heat pads and extra toilet paper bedding. We thought we'd be fine for the rest of the winter now....but are we that lucky? Nah.

The boiler started making the scraping noises again today, not only that, but the hot water has just cut out completely. I've had to reset the thing 3-4 times and it still doesn't work! The house temp is dropping rapidly and I've had to send a slightly more desperate sounding email to my landlord's go-between.

Students, in this situation, either buy an electric heater if you can (there's ones that cost only a penny per hour to run in electrical terms) or go to friends, or home to your parents if you can.

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