Custom Search

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Well it's been a while

We've been in our new house 3 weeks today! OH and I have spent most of our time pottering about, cleaning out/playing with rats, washing dishes and searching for jobs...y'know, all that grown-up stuff.

It's wearing quite thin on me now to be honest. The jobs pool seems to have dried up. I'd try an online thing but everything is a scam. Doesn't help that you can't have a home business in rented accomodation.

Still, I'm trying to stay positive and have a search around every day. After all, that perfect job might just pop up any day now!

I am at the point where I will take just about any job that will have me. I'm only 'experienced' in bar work or animal care though. Everything else will be new to me, and while that's not a problem for me, a lot of employers are expecting a lot from students that haven't had a real working life yet.

If I did get a job, apart from my rent and bills, I want to save up for driving lessons. It will be the most useful thing in the world! I never liked the idea of joining the drones on the roads, but it's the only way to get around it seems.
Trains just aren't stopping close enough to places I need to get to!

A lot of adults nowadays are moaning that my generation expect everything to be handed to them, job included. I'm going through University so that I can make my own work, but whilst my skills in that area are still being polished off (plus I still need to learn business!), I need a job doing anything! I'd stack shelves, flip burgers or mop floors, I really don't care as long as I can make an honest wage! I'd work my arse off for it, but no one wants to know!

Instead of telling teens to pull their fingers out, they should be telling bosses to let them get a bloody foot on the first rung of the ladder! THEN rant about how useless they are if they arse about. I for one, wouldn't. A job in this day and age is like gold dust and I wouldn't risk losing it.

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