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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why living in your own house is better than Halls of Residence

Where do I begin?

Living in Halls alone, and having my boyfriend and friends living in halls while I visited has made me realise there is just no competition when it comes to figuring out where to live. In halls, we get radiators running constantly, unreliable showers and taps, a fluffy toilet lid (oh wait, that's 10 years of DUST) and ornamental extractor fans (god forbid they actually function!). And that's just the buildings themselves! I haven't even got around to mentioning the types of people that they sling us in with!

For me, I ended up with a bunch of huge German engineers, that actually turned out to be ok guys, but were terrifying and totally inconsiderate when it came to fridge space, kitchen use, and having parties til 4am without inviting the rest of the flat.

My boyfriend has had the pleasure of spending his first year of University living with a bunch of non-toilet-trained gorilla men who like to defecate and urinate anywhere but inside the toilet bowl, not wash a thing, leave crappy rap music on full blast while they go home for the weekend, oh and beat their girlfriends at any given time of day.

My best friend gained a new sleeping pattern thanks to her flatmates leaving at 12 midnight and returning at full volume at 3 on the dot, smoking pot in the kitchen, trashing the place, bringing strange boys over (to a girls only flat) and generally making life hell for her (not to mention the silverfish problem and the liquid crap leaking from the middle toilet ceiling)

My other friend dealt with crappy music, smokers, and then foreign exchange students that didn't bring any of their own stuff, or buy any of their own food - they just used everyone elses!

The cleaners were a joke - Kim and Aggie would be having words, the security is ridiculous (they refused to attend to a boy throwing his girlfriend down a set of stairs, and a guy that almost got broken into while he was still in the room)and overall it just seems to make everyone's first year at Uni an absolute misery.

So...this summer, me, my boyfriend and best friend are renting a house! :D Not only that, but my beloved ratties are coming with me!

So we have to pay the bills separately, at least we'll be living in a secure, quiet house, with our own spacious rooms, double beds, everyone in the house knows how to use a toilet correctly, basic hygene can be followed, we won't get told off for having a BBQ or a chip pan, we don't have to share our space with morons that can't wash a dish or even a work surface. No worries about people stealing things and having them broken/soiled.
OMG we'll have FREEZER SPACE!!! I know it sounds like such a small thing, but being able to buy meat from the market in bulk and freeze it to use as and when we want is's amazing.

My poor boyf hasn't had a scrap of freezer space, and some gross fool didn't put their milk lid on properly, or stole some of his and didn't tighten the bloody lid, causing it to leak, go bad and cause an epic stink. No one would admit it was their fault, so the stink, and the puddle of rotting milk remained, for months. Someone removed the salad tray, and a cleaner had a little go at it (god bless her) but it did nothing, the fridge was covered.

I resorted to cleaning the fridge with actual cleaning products and it worked for like...a day. I even had to turn the coolness up because it was on like, 3...out of 10, no wonder all the food was going bad so fast - we had some philadelphia spread that's meant to last for weeks grow a fetching green hairdo after a few days.

It disgusts me that they even deem the place suitable for people to live. And I can't wait for the house. There will be updates on the move once we're settled and I'll list even more brilliant reasons why it is so much better to live in your own house than skanky halls of residence.

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